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You will need to choose:

  • A mailing provider
  • A cloud provider

Most mailing providers offer a generous free-tier to get started (Sendgrid, Mailjet, etc.) and allow usage via SMTP.

Regarding cloud providers, you can start deploying with Vercel serverless platform within minutes! But any PaaS and/or Docker-compatible provider will do!


The following environment variables are available:

Variable Default Format Description
SENDER_EMAIL "" (required) E-mail address to send e-mail from
TO_EMAIL "" (required) E-mail address of the recipient
TO_NAME "" My Name (required) Name of the recipient
SMTP_HOST "" (required) SMTP host URL
SMTP_PORT "" 587 (required) SMTP host port
SMTP_TLS "" true (required) SMTP host use TLS (mutually exclusive with SSL)
SMTP_SSL "" false (required) SMTP host use SSL (mutually exclusive with TLS)
SMTP_USER "" smtp-user (required) SMTP host user
SMTP_PASSWORD "" smtp-password (required) SMTP host password (or API key)
SUCCESS_REDIRECT_URL "" (optional) Redirect to this URL after an e-mail has been successfully submitted using the url-encoded form API. If not set, the default behaviour is to redirect to the Origin URL from the request header
ERROR_REDIRECT_URL "" (optional) Redirect to this URL if an error occurred when submitting an e-mail using the url-encoded form API. If not set, the default behaviour is to redirect to the Origin URL from the request header
FORCE_HTTPS 'true' 'true' (optional) Force HTTPS redirect
CORS_ORIGINS '[]' '["", ""]' (optional) List (JSON string) of authorized origins for CORS origins and Origin request header validation
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY "" string (optional) Google ReCaptcha v2 secret key
PGP_PUBLIC_KEY "" base64 (optional) Base64-encoded PGP public key to encrypt e-mails with before sending to SMTP backend (generate with cat <pub.asc> \| base64)
SENTRY_DSN "" string (optional) Sentry crash reporting DSN


In order to verify that mailer is properly deployed, go to the domain or sub-domain pointing to your deployment (e.g.

You should be able to display the homepage and the API documentation (e.g. If either the homepage or the API documentation do not display properly, check the logs according to your deployment method.

If something feels fishy, you can always post an issue on GitHub.

Serverless (e.g. Vercel)

The easiest way to get started with serverless deployment is to use Vercel. You will need to create a Vercel account and to install the Vercel CLI.

  1. From the mailer codebase, create a new project on Vercel: vercel

  2. Open the project in the webapp and configure required and optional environment variables per environment (Production, Preview, Development):


  5. TO_NAME

  12. Deploy to preview environment:

  1. Deploy to production environment:
vercel --prod

PaaS (e.g. Heroku, CleverCloud)

The easiest way to get started with PaaS deployment is to use Heroku. You will need to create a Heroku account and to install the Heroku CLI.

  1. Create a project on the Heroku dashboard and add your configuration in environment variables

  2. Login to Heroku: heroku login

  3. From the mailer codebase, add the Git remote: heroku git:remote -a <my-mailer-app>

  4. Deploy: git push heroku master:master

Or you can also use the containerized version!


The Docker image is publicly available on Docker Hub.

All stable versions are automatically deployed and available after each release. The latest tag will allow to retrieve non-stable changes

If you want to quickly try the Docker image:

docker run --env-file .env -p 5000:5000 rmnclmnt/mailer:latest


If you're feeling nerdy or a bit old-school, you are more than welcome to deploy mailer using a standard VPS from any cloud provider (AWS, OVH, etc.).

We still recommend you deploy mailer using the provided Docker image for reproducibility reasons.

This kind of deployment will also require some extra steps, such as setting up:

  • A reverse-proxy link Nginx
  • Automatic SSL/TLS certificate generation using Let's Encrypt
  • A firewall with sensitive rules (only allow ports 80 and 443)
  • Security policies (only allow SSH access using public key, disable root user over SSH, etc.)
  • External intrusion protection using fail2ban
  • etc.

If you do not know (nor want to know) how to perform this kind of setup, use more developer-friendly deployment options!